Get Better Sleep: Understanding and Treating Nasal Airway Obstruction

Get Better Sleep: Understanding and Treating Nasal Airway Obstruction

A good night’s sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. It allows our bodies to rest and repair, improves cognitive function, strengthens the immune system, and regulates hormones. But what happens when a good night’s sleep feels out of reach? For many people, the root cause of poor sleep may be nasal airway obstruction.


How Do Sinus Infections Affect Your Respiratory Health?

How Do Sinus Infections Affect Your Respiratory Health?

Sinus infections, also known as sinusitis, are a common health concern that can significantly impact your respiratory health. Understanding how sinus infections affect your breathing system helps you identify when to seek timely treatment and prevent potential complications, which is why consulting a sinus doctor in Costa Mesa can be beneficial.

Understanding Sinus Infections

Sinuses are air-filled spaces within your head located around your nose and eyes. When the lining of these spaces becomes inflamed and swollen, mucus can build up, creating an environment for bacteria to grow. This leads to a sinus infection. There are two main types of sinus infections:

  • Acute sinusitis: A short-term infection lasting less than four weeks.
  • Chronic sinusitis: A long-term condition with ongoing sinus inflammation for at least 12 weeks per year.

Several factors can contribute to sinus infections, including:

  • Infections: Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections can spread to the sinuses.
  • Allergies: Allergens can trigger sinus inflammation, making infections more likely.
  • Nasal polyps: These noncancerous growths can block sinus drainage.
  • Deviated septum: A misaligned nasal structure can hinder sinus drainage.

Sinus infections can develop when the normal drainage system of the sinuses is disrupted. This system helps to clear mucus and other fluids from the sinuses. However, when the openings of the sinuses become blocked, fluid can accumulate, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Common causes of sinus blockage include inflammation, nasal polyps, and structural abnormalities like a deviated septum.

Not all sinus congestion or discomfort is caused by an infection. Allergic rhinitis, or allergies, can also lead to similar symptoms. In some cases, both allergies and a sinus infection may be present. A sinus doctor in Costa Mesa can help differentiate between these conditions and provide appropriate treatment.

Also Read: How Do You Tell if a Sinus Infection Is Viral or Bacterial?

Symptoms of Sinus Infections

Common Symptoms of Sinus Infections

Many symptoms of a sinus infection overlap with those of a common cold. However, if these symptoms persist for over a week, a sinus infection may be the culprit.

  • Nasal congestion: This is a common symptom, making it difficult to breathe through your nose.
  • Facial pain or pressure: You may experience discomfort or tenderness around your cheeks, forehead, or eyes.
  • Thick nasal discharge: The mucus may be yellow or green in color.
  • Reduced sense of smell: This can affect your ability to detect odors.
  • Cough and sore throat: Post-nasal drip, caused by mucus draining down the back of your throat, can lead to these symptoms.

Severe Symptoms

While most sinus infections are mild, some people may experience more severe symptoms. If you have any of the following, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider:

  • Fever: A high temperature may indicate a more serious infection.
  • Severe headache: Persistent and intense headaches could be a sign of a sinus infection.
  • Swelling around the eyes: This is less common but can sometimes occur.

While some symptoms may overlap, allergies typically involve itchy eyes, sneezing, and a runny nose. If you’re experiencing persistent sinus symptoms, it’s advisable to consult a sinus doctor in Costa Mesa for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Impact on Respiratory Health

Sinus infections can have a domino effect on your entire respiratory system by:

  • Nasal Congestion and Blockage: When your nose is congested, it becomes difficult to breathe through it. This forces you to breathe through your mouth, which can dry out your throat and make you more susceptible to other infections.
  • Postnasal Drip: During a sinus infection, excess mucus drains down the back of your throat (postnasal drip). This can irritate your throat, leading to a cough and disrupting sleep. Additionally, postnasal drip can drip back down into your airways, potentially leading to bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Increased Risk of Respiratory Infections: A compromised respiratory system due to a sinus infection weakens your body’s defense against other pathogens, increasing your risk of developing bronchitis, pneumonia, or ear infections.
  • Asthma Exacerbation: People with asthma are more susceptible to complications from sinus infections. The inflammation caused by sinusitis can trigger asthma attacks, making them more frequent and severe.
  • Chronic Cough: Postnasal drip from a chronic sinus infection can lead to a persistent cough, impacting your lung health and overall well-being.

Complications of Untreated Sinus Infections

Leaving a sinus infection untreated can lead to serious complications, including:

  • Chronic Sinusitis: Untreated acute sinusitis can progress to chronic sinusitis, a more severe and long-lasting condition. Chronic inflammation can damage the lining of your sinuses and permanently impact your respiratory health.
  • Spread of Infection: If a sinus infection isn’t treated promptly, the infection can spread to surrounding areas like your eyes, brain, or even your bloodstream, leading to potentially life-threatening complications.
  • Sinus Cavities Impact: Untreated infections can damage the delicate structures of your sinus cavities, causing permanent changes that can affect their function and lead to recurring infections.

Treatment and Prevention

sinus infectionsEarly diagnosis and treatment of sinus infections are crucial to preventing complications. Different types of treatments exist depending on the underlying cause of your sinusitis:

  • Medical Treatments:
    • Antibiotics for bacterial infections
    • Nasal corticosteroids to reduce inflammation
    • Decongestants and antihistamines to open up blocked airways and reduce allergy symptoms
    • Sinus irrigation and saline sprays to help clear mucus and promote drainage
  • Home Remedies and Lifestyle Changes:
    • Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids
    • Using a humidifier to moisten the air and alleviate congestion
    • Avoiding irritants like smoke, pollution, and dust mites
    • Practicing good hand hygiene to prevent the spread of germs and viruses
  • Preventive Measures:
    • Effectively managing allergies through medication and avoidance strategies
    • Scheduling regular checkups with your healthcare provider to monitor your sinuses and address any concerns early on.
    • Addressing underlying structural issues like nasal polyps or a deviated septum that can contribute to sinus infections.

Also Read: Deviated Septum: Signs That Indicate It’s Time to See a Doctor


Sinus infections can have a significant impact on your respiratory health, leading to a range of symptoms and potential complications. By understanding how these infections affect your breathing system, you can take steps to prevent and manage them effectively.

If you experience persistent or severe sinus symptoms, it’s essential to seek medical advice from a sinus doctor in Costa Mesa. A qualified healthcare professional can accurately diagnose the underlying cause of your sinus issues and recommend appropriate treatment options.

By maintaining good respiratory health, practicing proper hygiene, and addressing underlying conditions like allergies or nasal polyps, you can reduce your risk of developing sinus infections and their associated complications.

Are you suffering from persistent sinus infections? Contact our experienced sinus doctors in Costa Mesa for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plan. We are committed to helping you breathe easier and improve your overall well-being. Remember, taking care of your respiratory health can lead to a better quality of life.
Want to find an ENT doctor near me? Contact us today for a consultation.

When to See an ENT for TMJ Pain

When to See an ENT for TMJ Pain

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the most complex and frequently used joints in the body, connecting your jawbone to your skull. TMJ disorders can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw, face, and even the neck and shoulders. While some TMJ pain can be managed with home remedies or basic dental care, there are times when it’s crucial to see an ENT doctor in Costa Mesa.

What is TMJ Pain?

TMJ pain arises from problems with the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. This condition is known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) or TMJ disorder. Common symptoms include:

Jaw Pain: Pain or tenderness in the jaw, which can be temporary or chronic.

Difficulty Chewing: Discomfort while chewing or biting.

Clicking or Popping: Noises when opening or closing the mouth.

Ear Pain: Pain in and around the ears, sometimes accompanied by ringing (tinnitus).

Headaches: Frequent headaches or migraines.

Lockjaw: Difficulty opening or closing the mouth.

See an ENT doctor in Mesa for TMJ pain to receive specialized care, accurate diagnosis, and effective treatment options, ensuring relief and improved jaw function.

Causes of TMJ Pain

TMJ dysfunction typically occurs when there are problems with the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. These issues lead to pain, discomfort, and difficulties in jaw movement, highlighting the importance of seeing an ENT doctor in Mesa to address the underlying causes.

TMJ pain can be caused by various factors, including:

Injury: Trauma to the jaw or head.

Arthritis: Degenerative or inflammatory arthritis in the TMJ.

Grinding or Clenching: Habitual grinding (bruxism) or clenching of teeth.

Stress: Emotional stress can cause muscle tension and exacerbate TMJ pain.

Misalignment: Misalignment of the teeth or jaw.

When to Try Home Remedies

While waiting for your ENT appointment, you may benefit from the following home remedies and over-the-counter treatments for mild TMJ pain.

Apply Heat or Cold: Use a warm compress to relax muscles or an ice pack to reduce inflammation.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: Medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate pain.

Soft Diet: Eating soft foods can minimize stress on the jaw.

Jaw Exercises: Gentle stretching and strengthening exercises can improve jaw mobility.

Stress Management: Techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can reduce stress-related muscle tension.

When to See an ENT Doctor in Mesa Costa

While many cases of TMJ pain can be managed with basic care, certain symptoms and situations warrant a visit to an ENT doctor near me:

1. Persistent or Severe Pain

If your TMJ pain is persistent, severe, or worsening despite home treatment, it’s time to see an ENT doctor. Persistent pain can indicate a more serious underlying issue that requires professional evaluation and treatment.

2. Difficulty Opening or Closing Your Mouth

If you experience difficulty opening or closing your mouth, this could be a sign of a more severe TMJ disorder. Lockjaw or limited range of motion can interfere with eating, speaking, and daily activities, necessitating specialist care.

3. Unusual Sounds

While occasional clicking or popping sounds may be normal, frequent or painful noises when moving your jaw may indicate joint misalignment or damage. An ENT can determine the cause and recommend appropriate treatment.

4. Ear Pain and Hearing Issues

TMJ disorders can cause significant ear pain, tinnitus, or even hearing loss. If you experience these symptoms, seeing an ENT doctor in Costa Mesa is crucial. They specialize in ear-related issues and can provide targeted treatment to relieve your discomfort.

5. Headaches and Migraines

Frequent headaches or migraines associated with TMJ pain should not be ignored. An ENT can determine if your TMJ disorder is contributing to your headaches and offer treatments to alleviate both the jaw and head pain.

6. Previous Injury or Trauma

If your TMJ pain follows a recent injury or trauma to the jaw or head, it’s important to see an ENT. Trauma can cause significant damage to the TMJ, requiring specialized care to prevent long-term complications.

What to Expect During Your ENT Visit

TMJWhen you visit an ENT for TMJ pain, the specialist will conduct a thorough evaluation to diagnose the underlying cause of your symptoms. This evaluation may include:

Medical History: Discuss your symptoms, medical history, and any recent injuries or stressors.

Physical Examination: Checking the jaw joint and muscles for tenderness, pain, or unusual noises during movement.

Imaging Tests: X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs to get a detailed view of the jaw joint and surrounding structures.

Treatment Options

Depending on the severity and cause of your TMJ disorder, an ENT may recommend various treatments, including:

1. Medications

Pain Relievers: Stronger prescription pain medications for severe pain.

Muscle Relaxants: To reduce muscle tension and spasms.

Anti-inflammatory Drugs: To reduce inflammation in the jaw joint.

2. Therapies

Physical Therapy: Exercises to strengthen jaw muscles and improve mobility.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): To manage stress and reduce behaviors that exacerbate TMJ pain.

Occlusal Appliances: Custom-fitted mouthguards to prevent grinding and clenching.

3. Injections

Corticosteroid Injections: To reduce inflammation and pain in the TMJ.

Botox Injections: To relax jaw muscles and reduce tension.

4. Surgery

In severe cases, when other treatments are ineffective, surgery may be necessary. Surgical options include:

Arthrocentesis: A minimally invasive procedure to remove debris and fluid from the joint.

Arthroscopy: Using a small camera to diagnose and treat joint issues.

Open-Joint Surgery: For more severe cases, the joint must be repaired or replaced.

Prevention and Long-Term Management

After receiving treatment, it’s important to follow preventive measures and long-term management strategies to prevent the recurrence of TMJ pain:

Practice Good Posture: Avoid habits that strain the jaw, like resting your chin on your hand.

Use a Mouthguard: If you grind your teeth, use a night guard to protect your teeth and jaw.

Manage Stress: Regular stress management techniques can prevent muscle tension and TMJ pain.

Stay Hydrated and Eat a Balanced Diet: Good nutrition supports overall health, including joint health.


TMJ pain can range from a minor inconvenience to a debilitating condition. Recognizing when to see an ENT doctor in Costa Mesa for TMJ pain is crucial for effective treatment and relief. Persistent or severe pain, difficulty moving your jaw, unusual sounds, ear pain, frequent headaches, and pain following an injury are all signs that professional care is needed.

Contact Orange Coast ENT Head and Neck Surgery to schedule an appointment for TMJ treatment to alleviate your pain and restore your ear, neck, and throat health.

Allergies or Sinusitis: Warning Signs It’s Time to See an ENT

Allergies or Sinusitis: Warning Signs It’s Time to See an ENT

Allergies and sinusitis are similar conditions that many people experience a lot of discomfort with. While they are both extremely common and manageable, individuals experiencing persistent symptoms should see an ENT doctor in Costa Mesa. To gain a better understanding of how allergies and sinusitis can affect your life and overall health, continue reading to learn when to see a sinus doctor in Costa Mesa for allergies and sinusitis treatment.

Understanding Allergies

For many individuals, allergy attacks can happen suddenly, when least expected. Allergies happen when your immune system reacts to something that is usually harmless, like pollen, pet dander, or certain foods. Common symptoms include sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, and watery eyes. While these symptoms can often be managed with over-the-counter medications, sometimes they need the attention of an ENT doctor in Costa Mesa.

Warning Signs for Allergies

  1. Persistent Symptoms: If your allergy symptoms last more than a few weeks and don’t improve with over-the-counter treatments, it’s a good time to schedule an appointment with an ENT doctor. Chronic allergies can lead to complications, such as sinus infections, ear infections, and even asthma.
  1. Severe Reactions: If you experience severe allergic reactions, such as difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat or face, or a rapid heartbeat, you should seek immediate medical attention. An ENT specialist in Costa Mesa can identify the cause of these reactions and provide appropriate treatment.
  1. Frequent Sinus Infections: Recurrent sinus infections can be a sign that your allergies are not well-controlled. Sinus infections can cause facial pain, headaches, a runny nose, and nasal congestion. An ENT doctor in Costa Mesa can evaluate your condition and recommend treatments to prevent future infections.
  1. Sleep Problems: Allergies can interfere with your sleep, causing snoring or sleep apnea. If you have trouble sleeping due to nasal congestion or other allergy symptoms, an ENT can help determine the underlying cause and suggest effective treatments.
  1. Impact on Daily Life: If allergies are significantly affecting your ability to perform daily activities, it’s time to see an ENT doctor in Costa Mesa for a comprehensive treatment plan to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Understanding Sinusitis

Sinusitis, or a sinus infection, occurs when the tissue lining the sinuses becomes inflamed. Infections and allergies often cause this inflammation. Sinusitis symptoms include facial pain or pressure, nasal congestion, thick nasal discharge, reduced sense of smell, and cough. While acute sinusitis typically resolves within a few weeks, chronic sinusitis can last for months and requires medical attention.

Warning Signs for Sinusitis

  1. Chronic Symptoms: If your sinusitis symptoms last longer than 12 weeks, you may have chronic sinusitis. Persistent symptoms such as nasal congestion, facial pain, and thick nasal discharge indicate the need for an ENT doctor in Costa Mesa for an evaluation.
  1. Frequent Infections: Experiencing multiple sinus infections in a year is a sign that something more serious might be going on. An ENT can identify the underlying cause and provide treatment to prevent future infections.
  1. Severe Headaches: Sinusitis can cause severe headaches that are often mistaken for migraines. If you have recurring or severe headaches along with sinusitis symptoms, an ENT can determine the cause and recommend appropriate treatments.
  1. Facial Pain or Pressure: Persistent facial pain or pressure, especially around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead, can indicate chronic sinusitis. An ENT can use imaging tests to evaluate your sinuses and determine the best course of action.
  1. Reduced Sense of Smell or Taste: If you notice a prolonged reduction in your sense of smell or taste, it could be due to chronic sinusitis. An ENT can assess the extent of the issue and suggest treatments to restore your senses.
  1. Nasal Polyps: Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths that can develop in the lining of your nasal passages or sinuses. They can cause persistent congestion, loss of smell, and frequent sinus infections. An ENT can remove polyps and provide treatment to prevent their recurrence.
  1. Asthma or Respiratory Problems: Chronic sinusitis can exacerbate asthma or other respiratory issues. If you have asthma and notice that your symptoms worsen with sinusitis, an ENT can help manage both conditions effectively.

When to See an ENT Doctor in Costa Mesa

If you experience any of the above warning signs of allergies or sinusitis, it’s important to consult an ENT doctor. ENT medical care for sinus infections ranges from medications to surgery to alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

What to Expect During Your ENT Visit

During your visit, the ENT will take a detailed medical history and ask about your symptoms. They may perform a physical examination of your ears, nose, and throat and use specialized medical instruments to look inside your nasal passages and sinuses.

Imaging tests, such as a CT scan or MRI may be necessary to get a better view of your sinuses. These tests can help identify blockages, inflammation, or other issues that may be causing your symptoms.

Treatment Options for Sinusitis and Allergies

The ENT will recommend a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs based on the findings. Treatment options for allergies may include:

Allergy Medications: Prescription medications, such as antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal corticosteroids, can help control your symptoms.

Immunotherapy: Allergy shots or sublingual tablets can help desensitize your immune system to allergens over time.

Lifestyle Changes: Avoiding triggers and making changes to your environment can help reduce allergy symptoms.

For sinusitis, treatment options may include:

Medications: Antibiotics, nasal corticosteroids, and saline nasal sprays can help reduce inflammation and treat infections.

Nasal Irrigation: Rinsing your nasal passages with a saline solution can help clear mucus and reduce congestion.

Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove blockages, correct structural issues, or remove nasal polyps.

Allergy and Sinusitis Prevention Tips

SinusitisTo reduce the risk of allergies and sinusitis, consider the following prevention tips:

Keep Your Home Clean: Regularly clean your home to reduce allergens like dust, pet dander, and mold.

Use Air Filters: High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters can help remove allergens from the air.

Avoid Triggers: Identify and avoid allergens that trigger your symptoms.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids can help thin mucus and keep your nasal passages moist.

Practice Good Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently and avoid close contact with others who are ill to reduce the risk of infections.


Allergies and sinusitis can be sources of significant discomfort and affect your daily life. Knowing the warning signs and when to see an ENT doctor in Costa Mesa is crucial for effective treatment. If you experience persistent or severe symptoms, frequent infections, or complications like sleep problems or asthma, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Contact Orange Coast ENT Head and Neck Surgery to schedule an appointment for treatment that alleviates your symptoms and improves your breathing comfort and quality of life.

Understanding Non-Allergic Sinusitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments

Understanding Non-Allergic Sinusitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments

Non-allergic sinusitis is a condition where the sinuses become inflamed or swollen, but not due to allergies. The inflammation stems from a variety of factors. If left untreated, non-allergic sinusitis can cause a lot of discomfort and affect your daily activities. This guide will help you understand what non-allergic sinusitis is, its causes, and symptoms, and when to see an ENT doctor in Costa Mesa for treatments.

What is Non-Allergic Sinusitis?

Sinusitis means inflammation of the sinuses, which are air filled spaces in the skull that help filter and humidify the air we breathe. When these sinuses become inflamed, they can cause symptoms like nasal congestion, facial pain, and headaches. Unlike allergic sinusitis, which is triggered by allergens like pollen or pet dander, non-allergic sinusitis is not caused by an allergic reaction.

Causes of Non-Allergic Sinusitis

Non-allergic sinusitis is caused by several factors, including:

  1. Infections: Bacterial, viral, and fungal infections are common causes. When you have a cold or flu, the viruses can infect your sinuses, leading to inflammation.
  2. Irritants: Exposure to irritants like cigarette smoke, pollution, strong odors, and chemical fumes can cause the sinuses to become inflamed.
  3. Nasal Polyps: These are noncancerous growths that can develop in the lining of the sinuses or nasal passages. They can block the sinuses and lead to inflammation.
  4. Deviated Septum: The septum is the wall that divides the nasal cavity. If it is crooked or deviated, it can block the sinuses and cause inflammation.
  5. Structural Issues: Other structural problems, such as narrow sinus passages or enlarged adenoids, can also contribute to non-allergic sinusitis.
  6. Respiratory Tract Infections: Infections of the upper respiratory tract, like colds and flu, can spread to the sinuses and cause inflammation.
  7. Immune System Disorders: Conditions that affect the immune system, like cystic fibrosis or HIV, can increase the risk of developing sinusitis.

Symptoms of Non-Allergic Sinusitis

The symptoms of non-allergic sinusitis can be very similar to those of allergic sinusitis. Common symptoms include:

  1. Nasal Congestion: A blocked or stuffy nose is a common symptom. You may find it difficult to breathe through your nose.
  2. Facial Pain and Pressure: You might feel pain or pressure around your forehead, cheeks, nose, and eyes. This can be very uncomfortable.
  3. Thick Nasal Discharge: You may have thick, yellow, or green mucus coming from your nose.
  4. Reduced Sense of Smell and Taste: Inflammation in the sinuses can affect your sense of smell and taste.
  5. Headache: Sinusitis can cause headaches, especially in the forehead and around the eyes.
  6. Cough: Postnasal drip, where mucus drips down the back of your throat, can cause a persistent cough.
  7. Sore Throat: Postnasal drip can also irritate your throat, causing soreness.
  8. Fatigue: You may feel tired and run down due to the constant inflammation and discomfort.

When to See an ENT Doctor in Costa Mesa

It’s important to see an ENT doctor in Costa Mesa if you have symptoms of sinusitis that last more than 10 days, if your symptoms are severe, or if they keep coming back. Chronic sinusitis can lead to complications if not treated properly.

Diagnosing Non-Allergic Sinusitis

Non-allergic sinusitisTo diagnose non-allergic sinusitis, your ENT specialist will take a detailed medical history and perform a physical examination. They may look inside your nose with a special instrument called a nasal endoscope to check for inflammation, polyps, or other issues. Imaging tests, like a CT scan or MRI, may also be used to get a better view of your sinuses.

In some cases, your doctor may perform a nasal swab to check for bacterial or fungal infections. Allergy testing may also be done to rule out allergic causes.

Effective Treatments for Non-Allergic Sinusitis

Treatment for non-allergic sinusitis focuses on reducing inflammation, relieving symptoms, and treating any underlying causes. Here are some effective treatments:


Nasal Corticosteroids: These are sprays that help reduce inflammation in the nasal passages. They are often used for long-term treatment to keep symptoms under control.

Decongestants: These medications help reduce nasal congestion and improve breathing. They are available as pills, liquids, or nasal sprays. However, nasal sprays should not be used for more than a few days, as they can cause rebound congestion.

Antibiotics: If your sinusitis is caused by a bacterial infection, your ENT doctor in Costa Mesa may prescribe antibiotics. It’s important to take the full course of antibiotics, even if you feel better, to ensure the infection is completely cleared.

Antihistamines: These medications can help reduce mucus production and relieve symptoms, especially if you have a history of allergies.

Pain Relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help reduce pain and fever.

Nasal Irrigation

Nasal irrigation involves rinsing your nasal passages with a saline solution. This can help clear mucus, reduce congestion, and remove irritants. You can use a neti pot, squeeze bottle, or nasal irrigation system for this purpose. Using distilled or sterile water is important to avoid introducing bacteria into your sinuses.

Lifestyle Changes

Making some lifestyle changes can help reduce the frequency and severity of sinusitis episodes:

Avoid Irritants: Try to avoid exposure to cigarette smoke, pollution, and strong odors.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids can help thin mucus and keep your nasal passages moist.

Use a Humidifier: A humidifier can help keep your nasal passages from drying out by adding moisture to the air.

Practice Good Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently to reduce the risk of infections.


In some cases, surgery may be necessary to treat non-allergic sinusitis. This is usually considered when other treatments have not been effective. Surgical options include:

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery: This is a minimally invasive procedure where an endoscope is used to remove blockages, polyps, or other obstructions from the sinuses.

Balloon Sinuplasty: This procedure involves inserting a small balloon into the sinus passages and inflating it to open up the blocked areas. It is less invasive than traditional surgery and has a shorter recovery time.

Septoplasty: If you have a deviated septum, this surgery can straighten the septum and improve airflow.

Prevention Tips

While it’s not always possible to prevent non-allergic sinusitis, there are some steps you can take to reduce your risk:

Manage Allergies: If you have allergies, work with your ENT doctor in Costa Mesa to manage them effectively to reduce the risk of sinusitis.

Avoid Smoking: Smoking can irritate the sinuses and increase the risk of sinusitis. If you smoke, consider quitting.
Treat Infections Promptly: If you have a cold or respiratory infection, take steps to treat it promptly to prevent it from spreading to your sinuses.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Dental infections can sometimes spread to the sinuses. Brush and floss regularly and see your dentist for regular checkups.

Use a Humidifier: Keeping the air in your home moist can help prevent your nasal passages from drying out.


Non-allergic sinusitis is a condition that can cause significant discomfort and affect your daily life. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and effective treatments can help you manage this condition and improve your quality of life. If you have persistent or severe symptoms, seeing an ENT doctor in Costa Mesa is important for proper diagnosis and treatment. With the right care, you can find relief from non-allergic sinusitis and prevent future episodes.

Contact Orange Coast ENT Head and Neck Surgery today to schedule an appointment.